Richard Speedy/Photographer

#39 Railroad Place

Hopewell, NJ 08525

(609) 466 9669



To Studio from the North via New Jersey Turnpike


• NJTP South to Exit 9 New Brunswick

• Bear right after toll booths onto Route 18 North toward New Brunswick, follow for .6 miles

• Exit right for Route 1 South toward Trenton

• Route 1 South for 6.4 miles

• Right onto Finnigans Lane (Shell Station) follow for 1 mile

• Left onto Route 27 South at a traffic light, follow for 2.2 miles

• Right onto Route 518 West at a traffic light. (Sunoco Station on right)

• Follow Route 518 West for 10.3 miles to Hopewell Borough

• Turn right just after a traffic light onto Hamilton Ave. (Sunoco Station on right)

• Make second left at "T" onto Railroad Place (no sign on left, sign on right says Somerset).

• Studio is on the left in the first block #39 red brick building. Enter from left side.