REMAINS: Project NotesThese images were shot on 4x5 Type 55 Polaroid Film which provides a negative as well as a print. Ansel Adams loved this film and I do too. It is incredibly tight and holds great detail in the shadows and highlights if exposed and processed carefully. It also affords immediate gratification as I can clear it in sodium sulfite, dry it with a hair dryer and be printing within 10 minutes if I wish. Unfortunately, this film has become difficult to obtain since Polaroid hit the skids. I keep hearing rumors that it will be available, but as of now it is rare and prohibitively expensive. I have more images in mind for this project and may be forced to change to standard 4x5 black & white film if the Type 55 does not become available again soon. I love shooting 4x5 for the control the view camera provides and the thoughtful process it requires.Stylist Jody Olcott was helpful in acquiring props for these shots and consulting on composition. Print Editions25 - 6 x 7.5 on 16 x 20 paper 25 - 12 x 15 on 17 x 22 paper 25 - 16 x 20 on 17 x 22 paper 15 - 24 x 30 on 30 x 40 paper Archivally boxed limited edition portfolios (not yet available) 10 - Artist Proofs Contact studio for pricing |